Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday- Meh

Pity the throngs of suckers out there to buy some crappy 40" 720 dpi TV. You really can't see the pores on Katie Couric's face at 720.

Oh- wait. He won't have cable-

but that is ok as there is hundreds of very good RomComs and even DromRomcoms out there now, several of which do NOT stare Hugh Grant. I'm sure the Netflix list will get reshuffled to take advantage of seeing The Notebook or The Wedding Planner, in full 1080.

Should the first be a RomCom, or DromRomCom?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where were you when you first heard about the news?

I'm sure it is etched in your mind deep, like the commemorative glass etching set that I will be creating to honor the moment. I'm thinking of doing my car windows- something like this, but more better to truly capture the moment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The tough decision

What is the first movie that our man should watch in full Blue Ray high def wonder? Enter your votes in the comments.

Here is the updated take on what Bernies life will soon be like. Notice the shower of Red Green Blue emitting from the new 46" wonder. Notice the remote in hand- the Jameson and ginger at the ready with umbrella.
This is no fru-fru fancy boy umbrella. No this one has a purpose. The umbrella is there to keep Bernie's tears of joy from watering down his drink.

I just can't sit still

I don't know for sure, I see a little cartoon bubble of Bernie just sitting staring at the wall where his new window to the world will be mounted. I see this area of the house being revered as much as the Buddha shrine would be in an Asian strip-mall restaurant.

It finally happened

After years of discussions and ribbing, Bernie finally got the OK for a new TV from his better half. As you all well know, Bernie has been watching tv on some 13" POS for years! He finally graduated to being able to watch a DVD on his laptop somewhat recently, but that still isn't quite the big screen experience we know he has desired for years.

The announcement that it finally happened was more important, more ground breaking- face melting than the announcement when he lost his virginity.

Seriously folks, this is big news on the Bernie front.

The countdown has begun. OF course Bernie couldn't buy just any TV, but a full-boat 1080 46" Sony something-er-other. His TV was so special that the store had to special order additional stock. This TV was currently all the rage and I heard that Brett Farve personally bought every one of these available to outfit his new MN home.

A few weeks and his new life will begin.