Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday- Meh

Pity the throngs of suckers out there to buy some crappy 40" 720 dpi TV. You really can't see the pores on Katie Couric's face at 720.

Oh- wait. He won't have cable-

but that is ok as there is hundreds of very good RomComs and even DromRomcoms out there now, several of which do NOT stare Hugh Grant. I'm sure the Netflix list will get reshuffled to take advantage of seeing The Notebook or The Wedding Planner, in full 1080.

Should the first be a RomCom, or DromRomCom?


  1. 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'

    Should be visually stimulating and RomComtastic!

  2. ZomRomCom! (Zombie Romantic Comedy)

    there are only 2 choices:

    1. Shaun of the dead
    2. Weekend at Bernies 2
